Questions about the Coach/Team:
What is your coaching philosophy? (Asking this will have the coach explaining the foundation of his team, and any expectations he may have for his players both in practice and during games.)
What are expectations for players both in and out of season? (Is there a workout regimen? When school is not in session how much time can I expect to be on campus for football related activities?)
How do you see me potentially fitting into your plans? (Very straightforward question to get a very straightforward answer.)
Where do you see the football program in the next 2 to 4 years?
What is the percentage of freshmen that stay on the team all 4 years?
How many players are currently being recruited for my position? What is the type of player that you are looking for?
What is your team specific recruiting timeline?
Questions about the School/Academics:
What academic support exists for student athletes? (Are there tutors? Team study halls? Student advisers?)
What are the graduation rates for the school? And for your team?
What does an athlete’s daily routine look like?
How does the school accommodate for classes and exams that are in conflict with any practices, games, or team travel?
What are the living arrangements for athletes? (With follow-ups of: do the athletes all live together? May I see what a dorm looks like?)
What are the dining arrangements for athletes? (With same core follow-up questions.)
What are the type of scholarships available to me? (Via either the team or the school.) How many of these scholarships are available?
What are common majors that players have? Find out that the school offers the major that YOU are looking for.
Closure Questions:
What happens next?
At this time is there anything else that you need from me? Or my family?