Time. Please do not underestimate this: graduate or law school will take up tremendous amounts of time. The days of skimming the reading or studying the night before an exam will be long gone. Students will need to study at length and engage in the material to fully understand it.
Financial. Tuition is going to be a big number. And, yes, tuition rates will only continue to get higher. However, this is only one aspect of the financial situation. If you have undergrad loans, going back to school allows for payments to be deferred. However, the interest on that money continues to accumulate. The loans for graduate or law school loans may have even higher interest rates than undergrad loans. Lastly, many students that attend graduate school go full-time, thereby further delaying their earning.
With this brief but important backdrop, please take some time to consider the following questions. We hope they help you focus your thoughts and lead you to your determination.
1. Why do I want to go?
2. What is my goal or dream job?
3. What type of program or concentration is best for me?
4. How will this step help me achieve my goal(s)?
5. Should I right after undergrad or wait a year or two?
6. Do I need some job experience before going?
7. How will I pay the tuition and living expenses?
8. What, if anything, am I giving up?
9. Which schools have an active alumni network?
10. Do I really want to go back to school?
We at LAC wish you luck on your future endeavors, and - as always - never hesitate to contact us with any of your college prep or admissions needs!