Junior year is key to your college prep process! And the winter months, while the world around you may slow down a bit, is not a time to slack on your college goals. Stay involved, prep for your standardized tests, get organized, and follow these tips!
Extracurricular Activities and Events
Colleges want 'depth' in their candidates. They want people who do more than just go to school for the sake of going to school. The next few weeks, see what you can get involved with at school that you aren't already involved in. This means community service, leadership roles, and any other clubs, groups, or activities that are non-academic in nature, but add to your life experience.
Get Organized
We know you are probably already pretty organized, but always review (at least once a week) your school list. What schools will you add? Take away? Review the factors of each that mean the absolute most to you! What correspondence or printed materials have you received? Keeping a file (or files) will simply make it easier to locate the information when you need it in the future.
Gear up for SATs or ACTs
Most juniors will take the test either now, in the winter months, or in the spring. Taking the tests at an earlier date allows you time if you feel the need to take the test once (or twice) more. If you're already registered, familiarize yourself with what the test will entail. Use practice tests, brush up on your grammar, and read, read, and read some more (yes, the new SAT is VERY heavy on reading). Focus on the content that you need to build and get stronger in, and maintain the areas that you are most proficient and familiar with. Think you're stuck on an element or a subject? Don't 'run away' from the problem area, 'run to it' - focus more time on that. Ask questions. Get any help you may need.
And, with any and all college prep or admissions questions, do not hesitate to contact the team here at LAC! [email protected].